Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Post #11 D-Day

I guess D (in this case) stands for departure. We are all packed and ready to go so all that remains is having breakfast (and just perhaps a celebratory mimosa) before calling the cab. We figured we might as well go to the airport early as there is really no use hanging around home. Besides, we haven't been inside the new International terminal at SFO so this will give us a chance to look around (yes, we're easily pleased.)

We are scheduled to land in Venice just about 24 hours after we depart. With the 9 hour time differential, that makes it just about 15hrs worth of traveling. The good news is we are non-stop to Frankfurt (~11hrs) where we then have about a 2 1/2 hour lay-over before the one hour and 15 minute 'hop' to Venice. (I hear Frankfurt is a fun airport to browse through as well.)

As with every other day this week I've been up since before 4:00am. Hopefully this will enable me to sleep on the plane!!! (I now remember what a little kid feels like as Christmas approaches!)

Well, here's hoping we make all our connections, our luggage arrives with us, a water taxi is available when we land, and the hotel still has our reservation...and that Rich and Lynn made it unscathed as well.

Look out Venice, here we come!!!


Lynne Newland said...

I've really enjoyed sharing your preparations and now I'm eagerly looking forward to hearing about the cruise.

My husband and I are sailing on the Millennium for 14 days round the Med on 4 November.

I'll be checking in each day.
Have a wonderful time.

Sheila said...

Have a wonderful flight as a prelude to a wonderful trip! Some of our fondest memories are of this cruise in 2005. Be sure to wander the residential areas of Venice - Canereggio (sp?) and Campo Santa Marguerita (includes a local wine store where you can bring your empty water bottle and fill with wine) are among our favorites. Enjoy!
