We had done some research (Why? Just because….) into the average delay time going through security at SFO International terminal on a Wednesday afternoon (no, like you, we didn’t really know statistics like this even existed…but they do) and the MAXIMUM historical wait was eight (8) minutes. Sorry, we experienced a curve breaking statistical anomaly. OK, so it wasn’t THAT bad, but it was at least 20 minutes. No big deal, we are used to traveling with the ‘cattlecar’ airlines.
I always stress going through security with all my ‘toys’ (see my post below). It seems like it takes me forever to put everything into trays. But, being organized and having everything bags paid off, and I went through as slick as cat…ok, you get the picture.
We then went to the Red Carpet lounge and hung out until it was time to board. This was both a very good experience and a bummer at the same time. The very good was that we each got two free drinks, and there was plenty of cookies, and crackers, and cheese, and…you get the point, pretty cool! The bummer was that I thought I got free internet…NOT. OK, so the only real issue there is that you didn’t get to hear from me sooner…which may have been a blessing in disguise!
We decided to head down to our gate a little early to mingle with the ‘common folk’ (boy, this elitist stuff catches on quick…quickly?) As it turns out the flight was delayed 20 minutes or so (when the flight is in HOURS, what’s a few MINUTES!!!). But it was pretty cool being able to raise our noses and say (properly of course), “excuse me”, as we threaded our way through the crowd toward our…YES…EARLY boarding…and w/out small infants (I wondered out loud what would happen if you had a LARGE infant…oh well, inquiring minds….)
Funny moment: My neck brace is sort of ‘on and off’ depending on the moment (which means I am making great progress!!!) Anyway, as I enter the plane the flight attendant makes some comment about the brace. In anticipation that that might happen, I’m prepared with a witty comeback, “Sorry, I flew Southwest.” Ok, so that may have been totally stupid, but she REALLY cracked up! Gawd I’m funny!
We made our way up the stairs (recognize this was our first 747 flight, so going ‘upstairs’ was like...well, I thought there might at least be a special hand shake)
Our first thought was WOW! There was spaciousness galore…and plenty of room too. It looked VERY cool. But as I started to put our (maximum sized carryon) bags away I noticed that the overhead compartments were miniscule (at best). I heard others discussing this, and the explanation was (per the flight attendant) that we are ‘at the top of the plane’ and there just isn’t that much room.
Well great…and we had our choice. Lesson learned (or not). There are indeed ‘horizontal’ storage bins along the ‘bulkhead’, so there really is twice the space one is accustomed to, but even at that our ‘regulation’ sized bags BARELY fit in those.
After some ‘despair’, we got over it (and moved on ‘so to speak’…this was a VACATION after all!!!) and it seems to be working OK (I’m writing this as we fly, and who knows whether we will actually be able to get the bags out when we land…maybe they will expand…or not. We’ll cross that bridge whenever…but if you are reading this then everything must have worked out.
We were provided champagne the moment we arrived, and there was seldom a moment when we didn’t have some beverage (of choice) to consume.
The dinner menu had some good options, and the presentation was very nice. This was NOT airplane food!!! There was a salad (with choice of hand ladled dressings), a nice (raw?) salmon hor douvres (very nice…and for those of you that know me, you know this is NOT me).. We both had the pork roast entree, and it was VERY good. For dessert we had some very flavorful ice cream, and with it some wonderful port. And in fact, I am now writtiinngg tthhiss afftteerr mmyy tthhirdd rreffill…hick.
We had a lot of clouds for first couple of hours and then we saw a lot of rivers and lakes (and a great sunset). We speculated where we could be, but the only lakes that big (we thought) were either the Great Salt Lake or the Great Lakes, and we figured we were past the first and not yet to the second. So we looked at the ‘in flight’ map…we were in Canada. Beautiful!!!
I don’t care what you are you are doing, but if you are doing 9-plus hours of it it gets a little old (talk to me about double centuries!) But having some sort of personal music player certainly can take away the pain. I have some pretty good travel ear-phones, but United proved some VERY NICE noise-canceling ear phones. Given that I can still hear the conversation in the row behind us I’m not sure how good the noise cancellation is, but they sure are comfortable! You know, there is something soothing about music. We all have different tastes, so when you can travel with your ‘tunes of choice’ it really helps.
According to my Wolverine (see post below re Toys) I have 74 hours of recorded music to listen to…OMG, I sure hope I’m not held captive THAT long. But I digress. My point is that each of us has music that we enjoy and listen to because it puts us in a ‘different place’, etc. Anyway, being able to listen to my ‘favorite’ tunes for however-many-hours certainly lessens the ‘pain’ of ‘sittin’ for what seems like FOREVER.
OK, so I’m captive on a flying torpedo that shouldn’t be flying anyway…I’m up here, but I still don’t get it. The air above the wing travels faster than the air below thus providing lift…well thank you very much! Get over it…back to music….
Fleetwood Mac, Mama’s and Papa’s, Queen, Eagles, Harry Chapin, Beatles, Neil Diamond, Steppenwolf, James Taylor, Barry Manilow (for you Susie: “Can’t smile without you! And Chris, what you did at Susie’s wedding is beyond words!) Neil Young, and Crosby Stills Nash and…yes, the same YOUNG. Listening to these ‘old friends’ simply takes the ‘sting’ out of an otherwise VERY long trip.
OK, fast forward to Frankfurt…we’re now sitting in the Business Class lounge, adjacent to gate A26.
I think I had a nice nap (I don’t remember…I slept through it I guess) and awoke to being served food and beverages again. I still had some port left over, so I finished that along with my coffee and quiche…yes, a wonderful combination.
Flying into Frankfurt was very pretty. It was so green everywhere, with lots of ‘clusters’ of towns.
As we got off the plane it became apparent we were in a foreign country…ya think!?! (I had to ask what the green sign with a stick figure of a running man meant…emergency exit.) We found a large ‘departure’ screen but our flight was not there. Fortunately there was an information kiosk close by, and we were informed that we had to 1) go through passport control, and 2) go to terminal A. I’m not sure what terminal we were in. We followed signs to A & B, so I guess we were in C (not that it really mattered). And of course we had to go through security, and of course they kicked out my bag and asked me to follow them to the ‘back room’. The guy was very nice, did a simple ‘wipe test’, asked me if I was a professional photographer (nope, just a toy freak) and released me unharmed…phew!
We walked for what seemed like forever, and got a kick out of some of the automated foot paths…you know, like you see in airports (duh). But some of these were like 50 feet long. I mean, why bother? A hundred yards at a time I can understand, but 50 feet? Oh well….
Forgot to mention that we were not able to check through from SFO to VCE, so we needed to check in at the gate…but there was no one there. We saw the Business Class lounge area and by giving our names were able to check in and get our boarding passes. It was interesting that they asked for our baggage receipts and scanned those into the computer…and then the agent said, “Uh oh, there is a problem….” We looked at each other like ‘of course’, and then she proceeds to click around the computer a bit…problem resolved (and we don’t even know what it was)
So here we sit waiting for our flight to Venice…but the lounge is pretty nice. Lots of things to eat and drink (all self serve), but as with SFO, the wireless if T-Mobile…and NOT free…so I will post later.
I'm following your trip and loving your blog. Helps me to plan mine for next year. I know you'll love Venice especially with the lovely view from your hotel. When you have a chance, let me know what program you're using to write offline and how you're loading your pictures. Thanks,
Sheila (spengle@gmail.co)
Hey mom and dad--sounds like a good 1st flight. I don't know if you read our blog or not, but for me to be reading anything right now is hard--see the blog. Anyway, can't wait to read more later. LOVE YOU!!
....Susie using (Robert's account)
Hi G'ma and G'Pa. I use Word to draft the documents and then cut and paste. The photo posting is just part of the blog software. You click the icon to add a picture, pick the size and location and direct it to where you have the photo saved. Easy.
Glad you are enjoying. The view is WONDERFUL.
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